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Faculty of Law, Business & Economics

Volkswirtschaftslehre IV - Microeconomics: Prof. Dr. Stefan Napel

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Economics Research Seminar

Winter Term 2024/25

The Economics Research Seminar will take place in S 62, RW I unless indicated otherwise.



Dozent / Titel


16 c.t.

Ainoa Aparicio Fenoll, University of Turin
“Parental love is not blind: Identifying selection into early school start”


16 c.t.

Davide Suverato, ETH Zürich
“How aggregate uncertainty shapes the spatial economy”


16 c.t.

Matthias Lang, LMU München
“Benefits and challenges of ambiguous information”

13.11.16 c.t.

Marten Hillebrand, Universität Freiburg
“Win as a team or fail as individuals: Cooperation and non-cooperation in the climate tax game”


16 c.t.
S 102, FAN-B

P&E Joint Talk
Conrad Heilmann and Stefan Wintein, Erasmus University Rotterdam
“Objective Fairness Theories in Economics and Philosophy”


16 c.t.

Martin Rode, University of Navarra
“Capitalism and femicide: An empirical inquiry”

04.12.16 c.t.

​H&E Joint Talk
Jan Nimczik, ESMT
“The gig economy as a stepping stone for refugees? Evidence from administrative data”

11.12.16 c.t.

Jörg Oechssler, Universität Heidelberg
“A study of the combinatorial candle auction in the field and in the lab”


16 c.t.

Andreas Dür, Universität Salzburg
“The political economy of the trade-security linkage”


16 c.t.

Marie-Louise Arlt, Universität Bayreuth
“The role of public investment in building up an electric vehicle charging grid”

 S 57

Stefan Kolev, Ludwig Erhard Forum for Economy and Society, Berlin und WHZ Zwickau
"Ist ein ordnungspolitischer Neustart des Landes 2025 möglich?"

22.01.16 c.t.P&E Joint Talk 
Vincent Merlin, Université de Caen
“Measuring power in French inter-municipal councils”

29.01.16 c.t.Alina Bartscher, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
“Early pension withdrawals and optimal liquidity”

MSc Economics students who would like to get ECTS points for the research seminar in the module "Individueller Schwerpunkt" should contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Napel at the beginning of the semester. MA Philosophy & Economics students who have questions should contact Prof. Dr. Hartmut Egger.

With the following link you can embed the dates of the current seminar into your electronic calendar (e.g. Outlook, iCal, Google Calendar): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=M3Q1OXRtcmtybnRoamtjc21va2E4NGRzN3NAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

Programs of earlier research seminars (PDF):

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