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Faculty of Law, Business & Economics

Volkswirtschaftslehre IV - Microeconomics: Prof. Dr. Stefan Napel

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year    2023   2022   2021   2020   2018    all years


Napel, Stefan; Welter, Dominik
Umbrella Pricing and Cartel Size
in International Journal of Industrial Organization volume 91 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2023.103032 ...


Napel, Stefan; Welter, Dominik
Relative Responsibility for Cartel Damages
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics volume 178 (2022) issue 3. - page 231-257
doi:10.1628/jite-2022-0013 ...

Güth, Werner; Napel, Stefan
Hiding or Revealing : Their Indirect Evolution in the Acquiring‑a‑Company Game
in Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review volume 19 (2022) issue 2. - page 569-585
doi:10.1007/s40844-022-00231-x ...


Napel, Stefan; Mookherjee, Dilip
Welfare rationales for conditionality of cash transfers
in Journal of Development Economics (2021)
doi:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2021.102657 ...

Napel, Stefan; Welter, Dominik
Simple Voting Games and Cartel Damage Proportioning
in Games volume 12 (2021) issue 4
doi:10.3390/g12040074 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Influence in weighted committees
in European Economic Review volume 132 (2021)
doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103634 ...

Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted Scoring Committees
in Games volume 12 (2021) issue 4
doi:10.3390/g12040094 ...


Napel, Stefan; Mayer, Alexander
Weighted voting on the IMF Managing Director
in Economics of Governance (2020) issue 21. - page 237-244
doi:10.1007/s10101-020-00240-9 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted Committee Games
in European Journal of Operational Research volume 282 (2020) issue 3. - page 972-979
doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2019.10.023 ...


Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan
Fair representation and a linear Shapley rule
in Games and Economic Behavior volume 108 (2018) . - page 152-161
doi:10.1016/j.geb.2017.10.002 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
The roll call interpretation of the Shapley value
in Economics Letters volume 173 (2018) . - page 108-112
doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2018.09.025 ...

Mayer, Alexander
Luxembourg in the Early Days of the EEC: Null Player or Not?
in Games volume 9 (2018) issue 2
doi:10.3390/g9020029 ...


Kurz, Sascha; Mayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Weighted Committee Games
Bayreuth, 2017. - 38 page
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Koster, Maurice; Kurz, Sascha; Lindner, Ines; Napel, Stefan
The prediction value
in Social Choice and Welfare volume 48 (2017) issue 2. - page 433-460
doi:10.1007/s00355-016-1012-x ...

Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan
On the Democratic Weights of Nations
in Journal of Political Economy volume 125 (2017) issue 5. - page 1599-1634
doi:10.1086/693039 ...

Levati, M. Vittoria; Napel, Stefan; Soraperra, Ivan
Collective choices under ambiguity
in Group Decision and Negotiation volume 26 (2017) issue 1. - page 133-149
doi:10.1007/s10726-016-9488-4 ...


Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
Dimension of the Lisbon voting rules in the EU Council : a challenge and new world record
in Optimization Letters volume 10 (2016) issue 6. - page 1245-1256
doi:10.1007/s11590-015-0917-0 ...

Maaser, Nicola; Mayer, Alexander
Codecision in Context : Implications for the Balance of Power in the EU
in Social Choice and Welfare volume 46 (2016) issue 1. - page 213-237
doi:10.1007/s00355-015-0910-7 ...


Napel, Stefan; Oldehaver, Gunnar
Kartellschadensersatz und Gesamtschuldnerausgleich : Ökonomisch faire Schadensaufteilung mit d ...
in Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht volume 3 (2015) issue 3. - page 135-140

Kurz, Sascha; Maaser, Nicola; Napel, Stefan; Weber, Matthias
Mostly sunny : a forecast of tomorrow's power index research
in Homo Oeconomicus volume 32 (2015) issue 1. - page 133-146


Napel, Stefan; Maaser, Nicola
The Mean Voter, the Median Voter, and Welfare-maximizing Voting Weights
Voting Power and Procedures : Essays in Honour of Dan Felsenthal and Moshé Machover
Berlin : Springer, 2014. - page 159-176
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05158-1_10 ...

Napel, Stefan; Nohn, Andreas; Kurz, Sascha
The Nucleolus of Large Majority Games
in Economics Letters volume 123 (2014) issue 2. - page 139-143
doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2014.01.041 ...

Kurz, Sascha; Napel, Stefan
Heuristic and exact solutions to the inverse power index problem for small voting bodies
in Annals of Operations Research volume 215 (2014) . - page 137-163
doi:10.1007/s10479-012-1293-0 ...


Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika; Mayer, Alexander
Strategic A Priori Power in the European Union's Codecision Procedure Recalculated for EU28
Power, Voting, and Voting Power : 30 Years After
Berlin : Springer, 2013. - page 553-571
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35929-3_29 ...


Napel, Stefan; Maaser, Nicola
A Note on the Direct Democracy Deficit in Two-tier Voting
in Mathematical Social Sciences volume 63 (2012) issue 2. - page 174-180
doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2011.10.008 ...

Napel, Stefan; Nohn, Andreas; Alonso-Meijide, José Maria
Monotonicity of Power in Weighted Voting Games with Restricted Communication
in Mathematical Social Sciences volume 64 (2012) issue 3. - page 247-257
doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2012.05.008 ...


Napel, Stefan
Spatial Voting Analysis
Encyclopedia of Power
London : Sage, 2011. - page 623-624

Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
Strategic versus Non-strategic Voting Power in the EU Council of Ministers : The Consultation P ...
in Social Choice and Welfare volume 37 (2011) issue 3. - page 511-541
doi:10.1007/s00355-010-0502-5 ...

Napel, Stefan; Oldehaver, Gunnar
A Dynamic Perspective on Minimum Quality Standards under Cournot Competition
in Journal of Regulatory Economics volume 39 (2011) issue 1. - page 29-49
doi:10.1007/s11149-010-9140-1 ...


Napel, Stefan; Mookherjee, Dilip; Ray, Debraj
Social Interactions and Segregation in Skill Accumulation
in Journal of the European Economic Association volume 8 (2010) issue 2/3. - page 388-400

Mookherjee, Dilip; Ray, Debraj; Napel, Stefan
Aspirations, Segregation and Occupational Choice
in Journal of the European Economic Association volume 8 (2010) issue 1. - page 139-168


Alonso-Meijide, José Maria; Bowles, Carlos; Holler, Manfred J.; Napel, Stefan
Monotonicity of Power in Games with A Priori Unions
in Theory and Decision volume 66 (2009) issue 1. - page 17-37
doi:10.1007/s11238-008-9114-2 ...

Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Napel, Stefan
Population-Dependent Costs of Detecting Trustworthiness : An Indirect Evolutionary Analysis
Preference change : approaches from philosophy, economics and psychology
Berlin : Springer, 2009. - page 243-259 . - (Theory and Decision Library : Series A; 42)
doi:10.1007/978-90-481-2593-7_12 ...

Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
Strategic A Priori Power in the European Union’s Codecision Procedure
in Homo Oeconomicus volume 26 (2009) issue 3-4. - page 297-316

Napel, Stefan; Korth, Christian
Fairness, Price Stickiness, and History Dependence in Decentralized Trade
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization volume 71 (2009) issue 2. - page 502-514
doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2009.03.010 ...


Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
Shapley-Shubik vs. Strategic Power : Live from the UN Security Council
Power, Freedom and Voting
Berlin : Springer, 2008. - page 99-117
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73382-9_6 ...

Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
The European Commission : Appointment, Preferences, and Institutional Relations
in Public Choice volume 137 (2008) issue 1-2. - page 21-41
doi:10.1007/s11127-008-9310-1 ...

Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Napel, Stefan
Democratic Defences and (De-)Stabilisations
Power, Freedom and Voting : essays in honour of Manfred J. Holler
Berlin : Springer, 2008. - page 209-226
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73382-9_11 ...

Napel, Stefan; Schneider, Andrea
Intergenerational Talent Transmission, Inequality, and Social Mobility
in Economics Letters volume 99 (2008) issue 2. - page 405-409
doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2007.09.006 ...


Napel, Stefan; Maaser, Nicola
Equal Representation in Two-tier Voting Systems
in Social Choice and Welfare volume 28 (2007) issue 3. - page 401-420
doi:10.1007/s00355-006-0186-z ...

Berninghaus, Siegfried K.; Korth, Christian; Napel, Stefan
Reciprocity : An Indirect Evolutionary Analysis
in Journal of Evolutionary Economics volume 17 (2007) issue 5. - page 579-603
doi:10.1007/s00191-006-0053-1 ...

Haradau, Ruxandra; Napel, Stefan
The potential of the Holler-Packel value and index : a new characterization
in Homo Oeconomicus volume 24 (2007) issue 2. - page 255-268

Holler, Manfred J.; Napel, Stefan
Democratic decision, stability of outcome and agent power, with special reference to the Europe ...
Public Choice and the Challenges of Democracy
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2007. - page 220-234

Mookherjee, Dilip; Napel, Stefan
Intergenerational Mobility and Macroeconomic History Dependence
in Journal of Economic Theory volume 137 (2007) issue 1. - page 49-78
doi:10.1016/j.jet.2006.03.015 ...


Güth, Werner; Napel, Stefan
Inequality Aversion in a Variety of Games : an Indirect Evolutionary Analysis
in The Economic Journal volume 116 (2006) issue 514. - page 1037-1056
doi:10.1111/j.1468-0297.2006.01122.x ...

Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
The Inter-Institutional Distribution of Power in EU Codecision
in Social Choice and Welfare volume 27 (2006) issue 1. - page 129-154
doi:10.1007/s00355-006-0113-3 ...

Napel, Stefan
Evolutionäre Grundlagen von Fairness : eine spieltheoretische Analyse
Evolutionäre Sozialpsychologie und automatische Prozesse
Lengerich : Pabst, 2006. - page 160-177


Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
The Possibility of a Preference-Based Power Index
in Journal of Theoretical Politics volume 17 (2005) issue 3. - page 377-387
doi:10.1177/0951629805052886 ...


Holler, Manfred J.; Napel, Stefan
Monotonicity of Power and Power Measures
in Theory and Decision volume 56 (2004) issue 1. - page 93-111
doi:10.1007/s11238-004-5638-2 ...

Holler, Manfred J.; Napel, Stefan
Local Monotonicity of Power : Axiom or just a property?
in Quality and Quantity volume 38 (2004) issue 5. - page 637-647
doi:10.1007/s11135-005-4755-5 ...

Napel, Stefan; Aschenbrenner von Dahlen, Sebastian
Insurance intermediation : theoretical analysis and practical issues in the European market
in Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft volume 93 (2004) issue 1. - page 67-99
doi:10.1007/BF03216997 ...

Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
Power measurement as sensitivity analysis : a unified approach
in Journal of Theoretical Politics volume 16 (2004) issue 4. - page 517-538
doi:10.1177/0951629804046152 ...


Napel, Stefan; Holler, Manfred J.
A Pragmatic Interpretation of Ken Binmore’s Theory of Justice
Etiikka ja Talous
Helsinki : Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 2003. - page 177-198

Napel, Stefan
Aspiration adaptation in the ultimatum minigame
in Games and Economic Behavior volume 43 (2003) issue 1. - page 86-106
doi:10.1016/S0899-8256(03)00004-6 ...

Napel, Stefan; Güth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut
Wie Du mir, so ich Dir! : Evolutionäre Modellierungen
Experimente in der Ökonomik
Marburg : Metropolis, 2003. - page 113-139 . - (Jahrbuch normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik; 2)

Napel, Stefan
Modelling Bilateral Bargaining : From Perfect to Bounded Rationality
The political economy of institutional evolution
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2003. - page 183-206 . - (Jahrbuch für neue politische Ökonomie; 21)


Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
The Power of an Inferior Player
Power and fairness
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2002. - page 259-273 . - (Jahrbuch für neue politische Ökonomie; 20)

Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
The Power of a Spatially Inferior Player
in Homo Oeconomicus volume 19 (2002) issue 3. - page 327-343


Napel, Stefan
Bilateral Bargaining : Theory and Applications
Berlin : Springer Verlag, 2002 . - (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems; 518)


Napel, Stefan
A Note on the Holler-Packel Axiomatization of the Public Good Index (PGI)
Power Indices and Coalition Formation
Dordrecht : Kluwer, 2001. - page 143-151
doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-6221-1_9 ...

Napel, Stefan; Widgrén, Mika
Inferior Players in Simple Games
in International Journal of Game Theory volume 30 (2001) issue 2. - page 209-220
doi:10.1007/s001820100075 ...

Napel, Stefan; Holler, Manfred J.
On Interpersonal Comparison of Value
Justice, Charity, and the Welfare State : Moral and Social Dimensions
Helsinki : Societas Philosophica Fennica, 2001. - page 119-138 . - (Acta Philosophica Fennica; 68)


Napel, Stefan
reviewed by: Nurmi, Hannu: Rational Behaviour and the Design of Institutions. Cheltenham, 1998
in Journal of Economics volume 71 (2000) issue 3. - page 339-342


Napel, Stefan
The Holler-Packel Axiomatization of the Public Good Index Completed
in Homo Oeconomicus volume 15 (1998) issue 4. - page 513-520

Napel, Stefan
reviewed by: Game Theory and the Evolution of Fairness : A Review Article
in Homo Oeconomicus volume 15 (1998) issue 4. - page 581-586
reviewed: Binmore, Ken: Game Theory and the Social Contract. Vol. 2. Just Playing. Cambridge, Mass., 1998


Napel, Stefan
Is Game Theory Redundant?
in Student Economic Review volume 11 (1997) . - page 71-76
https://www.tcd.ie/Economics/assets/pdf/SER/1997/S ...


Napel, Stefan
German Terms of Trade in the Last Decade
in Student Economic Review volume 10 (1996) . - page 160-167
https://www.tcd.ie/Economics/assets/pdf/SER/1996/S ...

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