The chair VWL IV conducts research on a variety of microeconomic topics. They include applied questions in political and industrial economics, such as
- How much voting power do the Lisbon Treaty's voting rules give to individual member states in the EU Council? How does this compare to egalitarian or utilitarian ideals?
- To what extent do popular decision rules such as pairwise comparisons, scoring methods or runoff rules favor large or small groups in shareholder meetings or committees?
- How can responsibility for overcharge damages be divided between heterogeneous members after detection of an illegal cartel?
Also more fundamental or conceptional problems of economic theory are analyzed with the help of microeconomic methods:
- How do imperfections of the capital market affect social mobility of agents who make optimal human capital investments? Can state intervention render everybody better off?
- How do social evolutionary processes operate in a world where memes compete and society’s values are endogenous?